Monday, September 28, 2009


I have always been a very focused and dominant person. Growing up, I never liked my parents to help me with homework because I wanted to figure everything out on my own. I did not like many of my jobs after a while because I got tired of people telling me what to do. When I got into arguments with my sisters, I was never the one to be told I was wrong, but I was also never the one to go crying to my parents. Now it may seem that I was spoiled, self-centered, or a destructive child, but I was anything but that. I just liked to have control of my own life in many different aspects. In high school I was on the dance team, leadership, and yearbook committee. This kind of person would be a top pick for many high school boys, but I went in and out of high school without being in one real relationship. This was not because boys did not like me, but because I felt like if I had a boyfriend many of my freedoms would be out the window. On my high school senior trip to Hawaii, I met someone I had heard of through my friends many times. I had actually even gone to elementary school with this guy. We met one night while out partying and continued a friendship after coming back from our trip. The night I met him, I knew I had some kind of connection with him like I had not had with anyone else. Shortly after we came back from our senior trip, we immediately became the best of friends! We would text, talk, and hang out all the time. A year past and although we were very close friends we had not become more than that. My guy friend had told me a few times throughout the first year that he thought he could be the best boyfriend for me, and with my mentality I shut him down, more than once. Events occurred in our relationship that quickly made me realize I could never lose this person in my life. I talked to him about being in a committed relationship and we decided to give it a try. Just like we were inseparable from the night we met, we became "one" after becoming boyfriend and girlfriend. This Wednesday will mark the two-year anniversary of being with my boyfriend. I feel so lucky to have him in my life and truly feel he is the one for me. He has helped me change in only good ways. I am now much more open to help from other's, and a lot more calm when things happen with my sisters. On Wednesday, we will be going to Monterey for dinner to celebrate. My boyfriend is a big Sharks fans; for our anniversary I bough him an authentic black Sharks jersey and tickets for us to go to two games. I cannot wait to spend time with my boyfriend in Monterey, and cannot wait to give him his gift!

Vocab Words:
munificence (adj): extremely liberal in giving, very generous.
ascertain (verb): to find out definitely, learn with certainty or assurance.

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